Getting started

  • How do I enrol in a subject?

    Click on "Subjects" in the top right menu on this page to see what subjects are available. Choose one and enrol to start learning.

  • Am I able to download the lectures onto my iPod or USB stick to watch at home, or do I need to be online to watch the lectures?

    You need to be online to access the videos. The videos are delivered in this way to ensure copies are not made and passed on. For this reason, the videos run for a maximum of 20 minutes — ideal for a lunch break or before or after work, if you have internet access at those times.

  • How long do I have to complete a subject, and the Ridley Certificate as a whole?

    One of the great things about the Certificate is that it is not constrained by terms or semesters. You may start any time and finish any time. You have up to 15 weeks to complete each subject, but you may do it as quickly as you like.

    The Ridley Certificate as a whole has no time limit. It is something you can dip into, and out of, as often as you choose.

  • I have finished all the videos but my subject still doesn't say 100% complete

    Each item in a lesson needs to be marked as completed using the "MARK AS COMPLETE" button in the bottom right hand corner of the page. Items that are marked as complete will show a full green circle next to them in the subject overview, whereas items you have only viewed but not marked as complete will show an empty green circle.

  • How do I access my subjects?

    Once you have signed in, subjects you are currently enrolled in will appear in My Enrolments, which is available on the menu at the top right of this page. Click on the subject to access the subject content, including videos and handouts.

    After 15 weeks your enrolment will expire, and these subjects appear on the same page under Past Subjects. Once a subject has expired you can no longer access the subject content.

  • My subject expired before I finished it, how can I re-enrol?

    Each subject you enrol in will be available for 15 weeks.

    You can extend access to subject materials on a month-by-month basis.

    Head to My Enrolments, then find the expired subject under Past Subjects. Locate and click on "Extend enrolment", then click on the “Enroll Free” button to give you an additional 31 days access to the subject.

  • How do I turn off regular email notifications?

    You can manage your notifications and other account matters by clicking on your name in the top right menu on this page, then 'My Account'.

  • How to I cancel my yearly group licence?

    You can see and cancel your subscriptions by clicking on 'My Account'.


  • Can I show the subjects in a group?

    Yes! The Groups Licence is a yearly subscription which gives you access to every subject and permission to show it to a group.

  • I would like to explore using the Ridley Certificate for training in my school / prison ministry / diocese / network

    We offer licensing solutions for all sorts of ministries. These can include (for example) access for hundreds of users, offline solutions where Internet is not available, and customised study plans to fit in with school terms. If you're thinking of doing something get in touch via [email protected].

  • Can my group watch the videos together via a streaming service?

    If your group is unable to meet together in person, you are welcome to watch the videos together via Zoom or other similar video conferencing technology.

    We just ask:
    1) that the streaming be limited to members of your group (i.e. not publicly available),
    2) that none of the videos be downloadable or retained by the viewers once the video has stopped playing.

Obtaining your certificate

  • What type of qualification is the Ridley College Certificate of Bible and Ministry?

    The Ridley College Certificate of Bible and Ministry may be studied as part of preparation for lay ministry, or as a discipleship program in individual churches. It is not an AQF qualification, and is not affiliated with the Australian College of Theology. It may assist applications for entry to accredited courses such as the Diploma of Theology/Ministry, but it is not formally recognised as prior learning.

    For degree level accredited study you may be interested in the Undergraduate Certificate of Theology or Ministry.

  • When will I receive my certificate?

    Once you have completed the required 4 core and 6 elective subjects you will receive an email congratulating you and letting you know that your certificate is available. In that email is a link to the page where you can view, download and print your certificate.

    This email normally takes under an hour to arrive once your final subject is completed. If you haven't received this email, check your spam folder then contact us and we'll chase it down.

  • Where can I download my certificate?

    Your previously viewed certificates are all stored on the My Enrolments page under the Certificates heading. You can view and download them at any time. If a certificate is missing, please contact us and we'll chase it down.

  • Can I get a hardcopy certificate or transcript of my marks?

    Your final certificate is sent via email. If you require a hard copy certificate or a signed transcript this can be arranged for a small administrative fee by contacting [email protected].

  • Where can I see my final marks for each subject?

    You can replay a subject and see your quiz results for as long as you are enrolled in that subject. Click on My Enrolments to see and replay your completed subjects.

    Once the subject has expired you will no longer be able to replay videos or see the quiz results.

    A detailed transcript including all your final quiz results can be arranged on completion of your Certificate of Bible and Ministry for a small administrative fee. Contact [email protected].

  • How do I obtain an Advanced Certificate of Bible and Ministry?

    The standard Ridley Certificate of Bible and Ministry is awarded for 4 core and 6 elective units (10 units total). Studying an additional 2 elective units qualifies for the Advanced Certificate of Bible and Ministry.

  • Where can I download individual subject completion certificates?

    You can download a certificate of completion for an individual subject from the My Enrolments page under Certificates. Please note that subjects completed under the old website may not appear here (email [email protected] and we'll chase them down for you).


  • What happened to Gospel & Life?

    The Ridley Certificate has been in development for over 10 years now, and some of our earliest subjects are now enjoying a well-earned retirement. Gospel & Life has been replaced by Romans as a core unit. If you completed Gospel & Life it will still count to your core units. You can still access Gospel & Life here

  • Can I still enrol in old Ridley Certificate subjects

    The Ridley Certificate has been in development for over 10 years now, and some of our earliest subjects are now enjoying a well-earned retirement. You can still access subjects like Gospel & Life, Life Changing Sermons, and Ministry Skills. (Keep in mind that technology has advanced and we've learned a thing or two about online education in the last 10 years, so these subjects may not be up to current standards for production quality.)

  • I've found a typo

    Despite a faculty and staff full of grammar pedants, some errors do slip through our quality control processes. Please let us know at [email protected]!

Still need help?

If you can't find an answer to your question here, email [email protected]