Skills for reading God's word

Understanding your Bible provides you with a model and trains you in skills for basic biblical interpretation. You will become familiar with different versions of the Bible, and techniques for examining biblical material in context. Andrew Reid shares his hermeneutic model which is used around the world. It will prepare you to tackle any Bible passage for a variety of purposes: personal reading, Bible studies, sermon preparation, or exegetical talks.

Principal, The Evangelical Theological College of Asia

Dr Andrew Reid

Andrew formerly lectured at Ridley College in Old Testament, Hebrew, and Hermeneutics and is now the principal of the Evangelical Theological College Asia. His ministry experience has included working as a student worker and then National Director of the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students, being the lead pastor of two Anglican churches (St Matthews Shenton Park in Perth and Holy Trinity Doncaster in Melbourne), and church planting an independent church at Curtin University in Perth. Andrew has written commentaries on Genesis, Exodus, 1 and 2 Samuel, and Daniel in the Reading the Bible Today series as well as a book on introductory hermeneutics (Postcard From Palestine). Andrew is married to Heather and they are the parents to two sons and have six grandchildren.

Subjects: Understanding Your Bible

Course curriculum

  • 1

    1 Introducing Biblical Interpretation

    • An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation & A Model for Interpretation: The Five Looks

    • Video Lecture 1A

    • Video Lecture 1B

    • Lesson 1 Handout

    • Subject Outline

    • Bibliography

    • Lesson 1 Quiz

  • 2

    2 Exegesis and Observation

    • Look Up. Look Down. Exegesis and Observation. Observation Illustrated (Jonah 1)

    • Video Lecture 2A

    • Video Lecture 2A

    • Lesson 2 Handout

    • Lesson 2 Quiz

  • 3

    3 The Details of Exegesis

    • Answering the Questions Raised by Observation. Exegesis Illustrated (Jonah 1)

    • Video Lecture 3A

    • Video Lecture 3B

    • Lesson 3 Handout

    • Lesson 3 Quiz

  • 4

    4 Genre and Reading Below the Surface

    • Understanding Genre and Illustrating it (Jonah 1). Reading ‘Below the Surface'

    • Video Lecture 4A

    • Video Lecture 4B

    • Lesson 4 Handout

    • Lesson 4 Quiz

  • 5

    5 Biblical Theology

    • Understanding Biblical Theology. Biblical Theology Illustrated (Jonah 1)

    • Video Lecture 5A

    • Video Lecture 5B

    • Lesson 5 Handout

    • Lesson 5 Quiz

  • 6

    6 Application

    • Understanding Application (Look Here). Application Illustrated (Jonah 1)

    • Video Lecture 6A

    • Video Lecture 6B

    • Lesson 6 Handout

    • Excerpt from Andrew Reid's Book

    • Lesson 6 Quiz

  • 7

    Final quiz

    • Final Quiz

    • Feedback Survey