Get a grip on Romans

Dr Michael Bird will help you understand and explain the theological depth and practical breadth of one of the most magnificent Christian letters ever written.

The letter from Paul to the Romans is arguably the most studied, preached, and debated book of the biblical canon. From the ‘righteousness of God’ to the ‘wretched man’, and ‘all Israel shall be saved’, Christians have always wrestled with this book. This unit explores the occasion, purpose, and key themes of Romans in six video lessons, with handouts, discussion/reflection questions and multiple choice quiz questions to consolidate your learning.

Deputy Principal, Academic

Dr Mike Bird

Mike Bird is a popular presenter and prolific author (written or edited over 30 books). He has lectured in New Testament and Theology at the Highland Theological College (Scotland) and Crossway College (Brisbane) before joining Ridley College in 2013. Michael describes himself as a ‘biblical theologian’ who endeavours to bring together biblical studies and systematic theology. He believes that the purpose of the church is to ‘gospelize,’ that is to preach, promote, and practise the Gospel-story of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remembered by students for his mix of outlandish humour and intellectual rigor, he makes theology both entertaining and challenging. He is author of the popular textbook Evangelical Theology and the Romans commentary in Zondervan Academic's Story of God series.

Subjects: Knowing God, Romans

Learn as an individual, or together in a group

Individual subject and group licence available

Enrol in this subject on your own and work towards a Certificate in Bible and Theology, or gather some friends and discuss the videos together using the supplied questions.

Subject Content

  • 1

    Introduction to Course

    • Subject outline

  • 2

    1. Paul's Gospel to the Romans (Rom 1:1–17)

    • Overview

    • Video 1A

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Video 1B

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Quiz

  • 3

    2. Jews, Gentiles and Faith in Jesus (Rom 1:18 – 4:25)

    • Overview

    • Video 2A

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Video 2B

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Quiz

  • 4

    3. "In Christ" (Rom 5–7)

    • Overview

    • Video 3A

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Video 3B

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Quiz

  • 5

    4. New Life in the Spirit & God's Plan of Salvation (Rom 8–11)

    • Overview

    • Video 4A

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Video 4B

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Quiz

  • 6

    5. Christian Living: Love, Submission and Unity (Rom 12:1 – 15:13)

    • Overview

    • Video 5A

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Video 5B

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Quiz

  • 7

    6. Insights into Paul's Missionary Strategy (Rom 15:14 – 16:27)

    • Overview

    • Video 6A

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Video 6B

    • Discussion/Reflection Questions

    • Quiz

  • 8

    Final Quiz

    • Final quiz

    • Feedback Survey