Subject Content
Lesson 1: The nature and dynamics of DFV
Thank you
Dynamics of abuse
Legal definitions in your State or Territory
Types of abuse: tactics
Read this list of abuse tactics
Types of abuse: the cycle of abuse
'Being in a violent relationship made me feel like the proverbial frog in hot water'
Prevalence of violence
Prevalence in the church
Reaching out for help now
Reflection/discussion questions
Lesson 2: Spiritual abuse
Lesson overview
What is spiritual abuse?
Complete this definition
Spiritual abuse wheel
How to create robust anti-spiritual abuse cultures
What is your church's culture of power?
How to create robust anti-spiritual abuse cultures (continued)
Reflection/discussion questions
Lesson 3: How to teach helpfully
Lesson overview
The Bible's teaching on abuse
How to preach, teach and offer pastoral care on these issues
Issues relating to the gospel itself
On forgiveness
On suffering and sacrifice
On sin and sinfulness
Issues relating to marriage, relationships and roles
Reflection/discussion questions
Lesson 4: How to respond to disclosures of abuse
Lesson overview
How to respond to disclosures of abuse
Luke 8:40–56
How to respond to disclosures of abuse (continued)
Reflection/discussion questions
Signs somebody may be experiencing abuse
Starting a conversation
What to do when a disclosure is actually happening
Connecting with services
Denominational support and reporting requirements
Lesson 5: How to care for a survivor long-term
Lesson overview
How to care for a survivor long-term
What kind of assistance might my pastor offer me?
Who is more likely to be targeted and less likely to find support?
The effects of DFV
Caring for Yourself
Reaching out for help now
Learn more: interview with Sono Weatherall (optional)
Reflection/discussion questions
Lesson 6: Responding to people who choose to use violence
Lesson overview
Before watching the interview...
Interview with Carolyn Bateman (part 1)
Interview with Carolyn Bateman (part 2)
Reflection/discussion questions
Men's Behaviour Change Programs
Summary and prayer
Final quiz and survey
Final Quiz
Feedback Survey
About your teacher

Feedback from India

Please pass on a massive thanks and a big congrats ...
Photo by Akira Hojo on Unsplash.