Here is your mission

Rather than seeing ‘mission’ as something ‘special’ Christians do, the church is increasingly communicating that Jesus sends us out to continue his work and share his life wherever we are. This subject builds on the idea of developing a missional mindset, learning how to analyse the cultures around us, Australian as well the cultures of other races. It also has a module focused on those going on short-term missions in a school or church setting.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Overview

    • Subject Outline

  • 2

    1 God's Mission

    • Part A: What is 'Mission'?

    • What is 'Mission'? (David Williams)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Part B: Biblical Foundations of Misson

    • Biblical Foundations of Mission (Charlie Fletcher)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Lesson 1 Handout

    • Lesson 1 Quiz

  • 3

    2 Culture

    • Part A: Tools for Analysing Culture

    • Tools for Analysing Culture (Moyra Dale)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Part B: Introduction to Western Culture

    • Introduction to Western Culture (Tim Foster)

    • Discussion/reflection questions

    • Lesson 2 Handout

    • Lesson 2 Quiz

  • 4

    3 Reflecting on our Culture

    • Part A: Developing Cross-cultural Relationships

    • Developing Cross-cultural Relationships (David Williams)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Part B: Cross-cultural Engagement

    • Cross-cultural Engagement (Charlie Fletcher)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Lesson 3 Handout

    • Lesson 3 Quiz

  • 5

    4 Stress and Transitions

    • Part A: Cultural Stress

    • Culture Stress (Christine Bird)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Part B: Culture Transitions and Re-entry

    • Watch this YouTube clip prior to the next lesson

    • Culture Transitions and Re-entry (Christine Bird)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Lesson 4 Handout

    • Lesson 4 Quiz

  • 6

    5 Communicating Across Worldviews

    • Part A: Communicating the Gospel Cross-culturally

    • Communicating the Gospel Cross-culturally (David Williams)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Worldview Handout

    • Part B: Oral Learning and the Gospel

    • Complete this Orality Assessment Tool prior to the next video

    • Oral Learning and the Gospel (Moyra Dale)

    • Discussion/reflection questions

    • Lesson 5 Handout

    • Lesson 5 Quiz

  • 7

    6 Learning from Experience

    • Part A: What Can Churches Do?

    • What Can Churches Do? (Lauren Dale)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Part B: Preparing for Short-term Mission Trips

    • Preparing for Short-term Mission Trips (Panel Discussion)

    • Discussion / Reflection

    • Lesson 6 Handout

    • Lesson 6 Quiz

  • 8


    • Final Quiz

    • Feedback Survey