Course curriculum

  • 1


    • 1.圣经中敬拜的用词

    • 1. 测验

    • 2. 敬拜的旧约背景

    • 2. 测验

  • 2


    • 3. 敬拜的新约背景

    • 3. 测验

    • 4. 圣经中的敬拜演变

    • 4. 测验

  • 3


    • 5. 基督教年历(一)

    • 5. 测验

    • 6. 基督教年历(二)

    • 6. 测验

  • 4


    • 7. 崇拜的四叠程序

    • 7. 测验

    • 8. 圣乐与神学

    • 8. 测验

  • 5


    • 9. 崇拜与诗歌

    • 9. 测验

    • 10. 崇拜与祷告

    • 10. 测验

  • 6


    • 11. 崇拜与读经

    • 11. 测验

    • 12. 重建具圣经的—神学的—历史的观点的崇拜

    • 12. 测验


Sylvia Ooi

黄婉娴博士毕业自新加坡神学院教会音乐系,以及美国罗拔韦伯崇拜研究院;1994-2021年,于新加坡圣道基督教会担任崇拜与圣乐传道。多年来接受国内外不同神学院、圣乐机构和教会邀请,担任崇拜学客座讲师,以及崇拜研讨会讲员。近年来投入较多时间精力在写作与创作;早期也曾投入在合唱编曲与制作,是新加坡词曲作家学会会员。 -- Dr Sylvia Ooi graduated from Singapore Bible College’s School of Church Music and Robert E. Webber Institute of Worship Studies in US; from 1994 till 2021, she was the music pastor of Singapore Logos Christian Church. In the past years, she has been invited to lecture at various bible colleges, music institutions and churches. She is now devoting more time to writing and music composition. She was previously involved in music composition and production. She is also a member of Singapore Song Writing Society.

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